Diocese of North Carolina Extends Call for Volunteers for New Network of Support

From the start, the mission strategy of the Diocese of North Carolina has been designed and presented as taking a grassroots approach, meaning that the work of the strategy is not a diocesan directive, but instead an invitation for every congregation and parishioner to find what calls to them. The Dioceseā€™s role is one of guidance, support, resourcing and connection, walking with congregations to ensure they have what they need to complete the work they are called to do.

In that spirit, the Diocese is undertaking the facilitation of a new network of support, of churches helping churches. The pilot iteration is focusing on helping churches that need assistance with the completion of annual audit reports, a canonical requirement of every diocesan parish, mission and institution.


Needed for the network are individuals with relevant qualifications or previous experience with completing the audit report process, using either the long or short form. The invitation is open to those who have served in a church officer or staff capacity as well parishioners who may be called to share their gifts.

Specifically, the Diocese is seeking:

  • Certified Public Accountants
  • Bookkeepers, especially those familiar with church accounting
  • Former vestry members with experience in the audit reporting process
  • Others involved with the completion of church audit reports (such as treasurers)

ā€œAccounting and audits may not be the first thing that jumps to mind when you think of our mission strategy,ā€ said Maria Gillespie, chief financial officer for the Diocese of North Carolina. ā€œBut itā€™s a wonderful opportunity to see how churches can help other churches. The audit process is a canonical requirement, but itā€™s also a source of stress for some of our congregations that donā€™t have staff or professional resources to help them complete it. This new network can help alleviate that stress. Itā€™s a tangible example of how all the people in our churches can help and empower each other. And when that happens, all of our churches can thrive and focus on the work of Becoming Beloved Community.ā€


The call for volunteers to serve in this network will be open through April 30, 2023. In the first half of May, network members will receive an orientation and any training needed on the diocesan audit process, after which they will be partnered with churches that have requested assistance. Members will work with their partner churches throughout the summer to meet the report submission deadline of September 1.

Serving in the network will be on a volunteer basis. No stipends are available with this first call, though any expenses incurred by network members, such as mileage, will be reimbursed.

Those interested in serving in this new network of support are asked to complete this form by April 30, 2023.

Churches that would like to request assistance with the completion of their audit process are asked to complete this form by July 31, 2023.