Standing Committee

The Standing Committee is the Council of Advice to the Bishop which shall be the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese when there is no bishop. Five clergy of the diocese and four members of the laity who are enrolled confirmed adult communicants in good standing make up the council. The term of office shall be for three years, with three members being elected at each annual Convention.

Watch members of Standing Committee and Diocesan Council discuss their work

Contact the Rev. Pamela Haynes, president of the Standing Committee.


The following is the first Standing Committee Quarterly Report planned for the Diocese of North Carolina Our goal is to communicate our responsibilities, our work, and our requirements in an effort to increase transparency and be more accessible to the congregations and missions of the Diocese.


REPORT TO CONVENTION: October 1, 2019 – September 30, 2020

REPORT: Q4 2020

Did you know that prior to signing a lease, taking out a mortgage or loan, or selling church property you must petition the Standing Committee for approval? (Canon 23, Canons of the Diocese of North Carolina)

Please help us to help you with these legal matters by having your initial petition and supporting documents to us no later than two weeks prior to our monthly meeting date, the third Monday of each month at 9:00 am at Diocesan House (currently via Zoom).It is best to contact us as soon as you think you may be involved in any of these events. Please send all correspondence to the president, the Rev. Pamela Haynes.

Your needs will be addressed as efficiently as possible so that you can meet your deadlines and we can effectively conduct our business.

If the Standing Committee has questions on your proposal, we may contact you for further information. On rare occasions, the Standing Committee will contact you to schedule time to address the Committee in person.

We are here to serve you and to address your needs; please help us to meet your expectations and goals.