Gun Violence Prevention

“More than ever before, it seems we are responding almost weekly to news of another mass shooting. Anytime violence happens anywhere, at a church or other house of worship, a school, a grocery store, a concert, we feel the pain, the horror and the outrage in a deep and personal way. A steady drumbeat of gun violence is unfolding with increasing frequency, an alarming and consistent threat to personal and public safety.

We cannot allow the volume and frequency of these events to leave us feeling numb and powerless…It is time to step outside our comfort zone. It is time to put our thoughts and prayers into action. It is time to bear witness in the public square that our country’s tolerance of inaction to this violence is itself a form of collusion with such violence. This is our call as followers of Jesus. This is what it means to become a disciple, making a difference.

– From the Bishops’ Pastoral Letter (June 26, 2022)


In response to the horrific events of gun violence in recent months, the Rt. Rev. Sam Rodman and the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple announced the creation of a task force dedicated to the work of reducing gun violence.

The hope of the group is to focus on issues where the Diocese of North Carolina might affect change, either in a leadership role or in partnership with others. Among the areas explored for task force leadership:

  • Identify advocacy opportunities
  • Explore partnerships with organizations already engaged in the work of reducing gun violence
  • Education around the role of mental illness, behavioral health challenges and other factors in gun violence
  • Share resources to educate and assist churches in developing safety plans, including engagement with local law enforcement for consultation
  • Develop a long-term plan to build a sustainable infrastructure to position the Diocese for ongoing calls to action, programs, education and advocacy


There are a lot of ways you can help reduce and prevent gun violence