Convocations, Deans and Wardens
Charlotte Convocation
Dean: The Rev. Amanda Stephenson
St. Peter’s, Charlotte
Warden: Alf Badgett
St. Alban’s, Davidson
- Christ Church, Albemarle
- Chapel of Christ The King, Charlotte
- Christ Church, Charlotte
- Church of the Holy Comforter, Charlotte
- St. John’s, Charlotte
- St. Martin’s, Charlotte
- St. Michael And All Angels’, Charlotte
- St. Peter’s, Charlotte
- UNC-Charlotte / Central Piedmont / Johnson & Wales University Campus Ministry
- Christ Church, Cleveland
- All Saints’, Concord
- Davidson College Campus Ministry, Davidson
- St. Alban’s, Davidson
- St. Mark’s, Huntersville
- St. Paul’s, Monroe
- St. James’, Mooresville
- St. Patrick’s, Mooresville
- St. Luke’s, Salisbury
- St. Matthew’s/San Mateo, Salisbury
- St. Paul’s, Salisbury
- Trinity Church, Statesville
- St. Margaret’s, Waxhaw
Cities Represented
- Albemarle
- Charlotte
- Cleveland
- Concord
- Davidson
- Huntersville
- Monroe
- Mooresville
- Salisbury
- Statesville
- Waxhaw
Counties Represented
- Cabarrus
- Iredell
- Mecklenberg
- Rowan
- Stanly
- Union
Durham Convocation
Dean: The Rev. Sandy Key
St. Stephen’s, Durham
Warden: Martina Gardner Woods
St. Stephen’s, Durham
- Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill
- Church of the Holy Family, Chapel Hill
- Church of the Advocate, Chapel Hill
- UNC-Chapel Hill Campus Ministry, Chapel Hill
- Episcopal Center at Duke University, Durham
- Iglesia El Buen Pastor, Durham
- St. Joseph’s, Durham
- St. Luke’s, Durham
- St. Philip’s, Durham
- St. Stephen’s, Durham
- St. Titus’, Durham
- Church of the Holy Innocents, Henderson
- St. John’s, Henderson
- St. Matthew’s, Hillsborough
- St. Cyprian’s, Oxford
- St. Stephen’s, Oxford
- St. Bartholomew’s, Pittsboro
- St. Mark’s, Roxboro
Cities Represented
- Chapel Hill
- Durham
- Henderson
- Hillsborough
- Oxford
- Pittsboro
- Roxboro
Counties Represented
- Caswell
- Chatham
- Durham
- Granville
- Orange
- Person
- Vance
Greensboro Convocation
Dean: The Rev. Wheigar Bright
Vicar, St. Luke’s, Eden
Warden: Vacant
- Good Shepherd, Asheboro
- Church of the Holy Comforter, Burlington
- St. Luke’s, Eden
- Church of the Epiphany, Eden
- LEAF (Elon Campus Ministry), Elon
- All Saints’, Greensboro
- Church of the Holy Spirit, Greensboro
- Church of the Redeemer, Greensboro
- Holy Trinity Church, Greensboro
- St. Andrew’s, Greensboro
- St. Barnabas’, Greensboro
- St. Francis’, Greensboro
- St. Mary’s House (Greensboro Campus Ministry), Greensboro
- St. Andrew’s, Haw River
- St. Christopher’s, High Point
- St. Mary’s, High Point
- Church of the Messiah, Mayodan
- St. Thomas’, Reidsville
Cities Represented
- Asheboro
- Burlington
- Eden
- Elon
- Greensboro
- Haw River
- High Point
- Mayodan
- Reidsville
Counties Represented
- Alamance
- Guilford
- Randolph
- Rockingham
Raleigh Convocation
Dean: The Rev. Bob Thomas
Trinity, Fuquay-Varina
Warden: Vacant
- St. Paul’s, Cary
- Grace Mission, Clayton
- St. Stephen’s, Erwin
- Trinity Church, Fuquay-Varina
- St. Matthias’, Louisburg
- St. Paul’s, Louisburg
- Christ Church, Raleigh
- Church of the Good Shepherd, Raleigh
- Church of the Nativity, Raleigh
- Episcopal Campus Ministry-Raleigh
- St. Ambrose, Raleigh
- Saint Augustine’s University Chapel, Raleigh
- St. Mary’s School, Raleigh
- St. Michael’s, Raleigh
- St. Timothy’s, Raleigh
- St. Paul’s, Smithfield
- San Jose Mission, Smithfield
- St. John’s, Wake Forest
Cities Represented
- Cary
- Clayton
- Erwin
- Fuquay-Varina
- Louisburg
- Raleigh
- Smithfield
- Wake Forest
Counties Represented
- Franklin
- Harnett
- Johnston
- Wake
Rocky Mount Convocation
Dean: The Rev. Sonny Browne
All Saints’, Roanoke Rapids
Warden: Carol Putney
St. Timothy’s, Wilson
- St. John’s, Battleboro
- St. Mark’s, Halifax
- Church of the Saviour, Jackson
- St. Alban’s, Littleton
- Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Ridgeway
- All Saints’, Roanoke Rapids
- Church of the Good Shepherd, Rocky Mount
- St. Andrew’s, Rocky Mount
- Trinity Church, Scotland Neck
- St. Mary’s, Speed
- Calvary Church, Tarboro
- St. Luke’s, Tarboro
- St. Michael’s, Tarboro
- Emmanuel, Warrenton
- Grace Church, Weldon
- St. Mark’s, Wilson
- St. Timothy’s, Wilson
- La Iglesia De La Guadalupana, Wilson
Cities Represented
- Battleboro
- Halifax
- Jackson
- Littleton
- Ridgeway
- Roanoke Rapids
- Rocky Mount
- Scotland Neck
- Speed
- Tarboro
- Warrenton
- Weldon
- Wilson
Counties Represented
- Edgecombe
- Halifax
- Nash
- Northampton
- Warren
- Wilson
Sandhills Convocation
Dean: The Rev. Morris Thompson
Emmanuel, Southern Pines
Warden: Contact the Rev. Morris Thompson if you are interested in serving as the warden.
- All Souls’, Ansonville
- All Saints’, Hamlet
- St. David’s, Laurinburg
- Church of the Messiah, Rockingham
- St. Thomas’, Sanford
- St. Mary Magdalene, Seven Lakes
- Emmanuel Parish, Southern Pines
- Chapel of the Transfiguration, Southern Pines
- Calvary Church, Wadesboro
Cities Represented
- Ansonville
- Hamlet
- Laurinburg
- Rockingham
- Sanford
- Seven Lakes
- Southern Pines
- Wadesboro
Counties Represented
- Anson
- Lee
- Montgomery
- Moore
- Richmond
- Scotland
Winston-Salem Convocation
Dean: The Rev Sarah Morris
Rector, Trinity, Mt Airy
Warden: Brenda Goings
Trinity, Mt Airy
- Church of the Ascension Fork, Advance
- St. Clement’s, Clemmons
- Church of the Good Shepherd, Cooleemee
- Galloway Memorial Church, Elkin
- St. Matthew’s, Kernersville
- Grace Church, Lexington
- Trinity Church, Mount Airy
- Christ Church, Walnut Cove
- Christ’s Beloved Community/Cominidad Amada de Cristo, Winston-Salem
- St. Anne’s, Winston-Salem
- St. Paul’s, Winston-Salem
- St. Stephen’s, Winston-Salem
- St. Timothy’s, Winston-Salem
- Winston-Salem Campus Ministry, Winston-Salem
Cities Represented
- Advance
- Clemmons
- Cooleemee
- Elkin
- Kernersville
- Lexington
- Mount Airy
- Walnut Cove
- Winston-Salem
Counties Represented
- Davidson
- Davie
- Forsyth
- Stokes
- Surry
- Yadkin