
To help giving efforts to support diocesan initiatives and alleviate financial concerns in and around our churches and missions, the Diocese has launched a single-point online giving resource. With this link, you can select where you would like your donation to go.

To donate by check, please mail to:
The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina
PO Box 896491
Charlotte, NC 28289-6491

When you donate to the Diocese, you have several options to which you may choose to direct your funds to (if donating by check, please be sure to specify your choice in the memo line):

General fund: This option contributes to funds collected that are, in turn, distributed by the Diocese to churches and missions as needed.

Ordination: These funds are used for the newly ordained priests, many times for new vestments or to establish discretionary funds at their new churches.

Lay Preaching Teaching Initiative: This option directs funds to support the Lay Preaching Teaching Initiative, a pilot program of the Episcopal Preaching Foundation that aims to develop a robust cadre of lay preachers drawn from within their local communities who can supplement ordained clergy in the pulpit. By training and supporting lay preachers in the Episcopal Church, the program aims to establish lay preaching and lay leadership as a fourth dimension of leadership in the Episcopal Church alongside bishops, priests and deacons.

Pilgrimages: Pilgrimages are part of the diocesan mission strategy in support of the racial reckoning, justice and healing priority. This fund helps support their realization as well as building collaborative relationships with other dioceses.

Bishop Discretionary Fund: Discretionary funds are distributed by the bishops for charitable uses as they see fit. Most of the funds are distributed annually.


We are often asked in the wake of natural disasters how to help those affected. In most cases, we encourage supporting the work of Episcopal Relief & Development and their myriad relief programs, including hurricane relief, U.S. Disaster Relief, global missons, clean water and more.