Bishops Share Bishops’ Ball Update
April 3, 2024
Dear Beloved in Christ:
As this Easter season begins, we write to give you an update on our progress and next steps with respect to the incident that took place at this year’s Bishops’ Ball. As promised when we shared the news in February, we want to update you on the work that has been happening, that continues and will continue as we move through this process:
- Follow-up interviews were conducted last month with youth, families and youth leaders present at the event to ensure we had a full and accurate account of the incident. We received a report following those interviews; it has been shared with the youth leaders on our staff, and it will next be shared with the Racial Justice and Reconciliation Committee (RJRC). The report identifies necessary action items, and we are in the process of speaking with other experts in the wider church and youth leadership circles about additional changes they recommend.
- Our ongoing consultation with local youth leaders will include engaging them with a draft of our response to the report before it is issued.
- We continue to be in contact with the churches and the families of the children directly involved. We are in the process of setting up a follow-up meeting with the vestry of St. Titus’, Durham, to address further the actions that they called for in their memo attached to our February 28 letter to you. We, the bishops, have also scheduled for mid-April a joint meeting with the Clergy of Color Caucus, the Coalition of Black Churches and the RJRC.
- Lastly, we are reviewing restorative justice approaches as a part of our steps toward justice, fairness and reconciliation. These will also be outlined in our report.
We expect to have this report ready for publication in mid-May. Events scheduled after that date and incorporating the changes called for in the report can be held as scheduled. This will allow us to hold HUGS Camp, scheduled for July. It will be the first diocesan youth event utilizing the new guidelines and protocols.
We thank you for your patience and continuing prayers as we move forward with this process.
Gratefully and faithfully,
Bishop Sam Rodman and Bishop Jennifer Brooke-Davidson