Bishops of the Diocese of North Carolina Share Statement Regarding Shooting in California

By Diocesan House

The bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina – the Rt. Rev. Sam Rodman, bishop, and the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, bishop suffragan – offer a statement in response to yesterday’s shooting at the Chabad of Poway synagogue in Poway, California:

This holiest of weeks has been marred by two acts of violence, one across the globe, the other across the country, and they both feel close to home.

Our hearts are torn apart – again – by the violence and the hatred that seems to drive it. We wonder: Where will it happen next? Will it ever end?

It must.

And it will, if every one of us decides to rise above the pain and anger these actions provoke and instead meet hateful actions with peace and intentional, healing response. We see examples of it every day – people who have every reason to give in to pain and hate from the injuries they suffer, yet they choose to stand firm in their faith, loving their neighbor.

Today, we stand in sorrow and grief with those who have been injured or killed, their loved ones and their communities of faith. And we stand against every form of antisemitism.

And today, and tomorrow, and every day we commit ourselves – again – to praying and continuing to work for peace, to use our voices to advocate with those who seek changes in our gun legislation, and continue to teach what Jesus taught us: the way of love is the way of hope and life.