
The communications department oversees the creation of several publications, some for informational and entertainment use, and some as part of the canonical requirements of the Diocese.

Do you have a story idea? Tell us all about it!

(Please do not submit your story idea with a particular communication channel in mind; we have many storytelling avenues available to us, so please tell us all about the story so we can best determine if and how we might share it.)


North Carolina Disciple is the quarterly print magazine of the Diocese of North Carolina. Published in January, April, July and October, the Disciple shares the stories of ministry in action.


Please Note is the weekly enewsletter of the Diocese of North Carolina. It includes a weekly feature, calendar items, announcements and the Clergy Checkbox, which all clergy are encouraged to check each week.


Gospel-Based Discipleship is intended to provide you with a daily opportunity to encounter the Gospel and encourage reflection.


The Journal of Convention is an archival document and includes information accurate at the time of its publication. For the most up-to-date version of the Constitution and Canons, church directory and staff directory, please consult the information contained within the diocesan website.