Communicators Network
As diocesan communicators, the greatest resource we have is each other. That is why the Diocese of North Carolina has a peer network just for those who help with communications in parishes. The members of this network include full-time communicators, clergy, lay staff, volunteers and committee members. Our churches have a variety of configurations in terms of how they accomplish their communications, yet the challenges and work faced is the same for all of us.
The communicators network offers a number of resources, outlined below.
Communicator list serv: Through this channel, the diocesan communications team keeps parish communicators up to date on news, programs and more through the monthly “Communicators Connection.” The list serv provides a secondary function, in that it allows every person on it to reach every other person in the network. As a member of the communicators list serv, questions can be asked, advice solicited and solutions shared.
Continuing education: Communications is a never-ending learning process. To help communicators stay up to date or to learn new skills, the communications team offers webinars once a month on timely topics of interest or key skills. Past webinars remain available in the webinar library.
Open chats: Also once a month, the communications team hosts an open online video chat, where communicators come together to discuss any number of topics. It’s a wonderful opportunity to share ideas, utilize expertise, ask questions and just enjoy conversation and time together.
Convocation gatherings: Throughout the year, the communications team travels around the diocese hosting communicators’ days by convocation. The goal is to be able to meet in person, establish relationships within geographical areas and enjoy a day of conversation and commiseration.
Facebook Group: The diocesan communicators network also has a Facebook group, giving members another way to stay in touch with the communications team and with each other.