Lay Preacher Training Initiative

The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina was one of six dioceses selected in 2021 to participate in the Episcopal Preaching Foundation’s pilot program, the Lay Preacher Training Initiative (LPTI). The goal of the program is to develop a robust cadre of lay preachers drawn from within their local communities who can supplement ordained clergy in the pulpit. By training and supporting lay preachers in The Episcopal Church, the program aims to establish lay preaching and lay leadership as a fourth dimension of diocesan leadership in The Episcopal Church alongside bishops, priests and deacons.

After the successful two-year pilot of the program, the diocese is offering a new cohort began its ministry in January 2024. The program has been adapted by program developers based on experience and feedback from the first round, and the most notable change is that the Lay Preacher Training Initiative is now a one-year program instead of two.

Learn all about the program. Information included in the overview:

  • Prerequisites
  • Training
  • What the program is and is not
  • Timelines (application and training)



Diocese of North Carolina Awarded Grant to Take Part in Lay Preaching Initiative
Disciple: Let the Lay Voices Ring Out (Spring 2021)
Disciple: Preach It! (Fall 2021)
Disciple: Blessed to Share the Gospel (Summer 2022)


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