Disciple: Blessed to Share the Gospel
Participants in the Lay Preaching Training Initiative reflect on their journeys thus far
In April 2021, the Diocese of North Carolina was named one of six dioceses to participate in the Lay Preaching Training Initiative (LPTI, “Preach It,” Disciple, Fall 2021), a pilot program of the Episcopal Preaching Foundation intended to develop a robust cadre of lay preachers drawn from within their local communities who can supplement ordained clergy in the pulpit.
The six members of the first cohort began their training in January 2022, and, as they reach the halfway point of their program, they shared some thoughts on the experience so far.
Jason Franklin, St. Paul’s, Winston-Salem
I do not know what I was expecting when I applied to be part of the first Lay Preaching Training Initiative group, but this past year has been incredibly fulfilling for me. I believe strongly that, as a member of The Episcopal Church and a follower of Christ, I have a responsibility to understand how God wants me to minister to this complex world. Probably the most valuable thing I have taken away from this first year in the LPTI program is how vital lay ministry is to the health of our Church. I have unmeasurable gratitude for the leaders of this program, from our diocesan leaders (thank you Jenny and Earnest!), to the other leaders and students across the country who we were able to meet during a preaching retreat in August, to the leaders who are carefully crafting this holy program.
Connie Sessoms, St. Michael and All Angels, Charlotte
Paul says in his letter to the Ephesians that some are called to be prophets, some evangelists, some apostles, some teachers and some pastors. I feel this call, and it is strong enough to keep me involved in the LPTI process. I am looking forward to the day when I can assist my local priest in delivering a word from the Scripture on Sunday morning.
I understand that preaching is something we do, not something we know about. It takes practice to become better and better at preaching. I am learning from those who surround me in this process, whether they be teachers or other lay preachers.
My goal and intention is to tell everyone that old, old story about Jesus and his love. Lay preaching provides a unique opportunity and a wonderful platform to do that. I am learning how to exegete the message of Scripture and how to expound effectively on how that jewel of Scripture is relevant in our everyday lives. I am learning how my own life experiences are lending connected meaning to the interpretation of the Word of God.
I am excited to be a part of this process. I love the concept of spreading the good news of the Gospel and triggering people to say, “Aha! I understand now.”
Robin Williams, Good Shepherd, Ridgeway
As I reflect on this first year of our lay preacher training, I am filled with gratitude. This experience has been one that has helped me to grow deeper in my “walk with Christ” and with my fellow co-laborers in the “vineyard.” I am growing new relationships and looking at Scripture with more depth and discernment. This experience is one I will always cherish.
I thank all who have contributed and been a part of this LPTI journey with me, especially the members of Good Shepherd, Ridgeway; our group facilitators, Jenny Beaumont and the Rev. Canon Earnest Graham; and the Rt. Rev. Sam Rodman and the Diocese of North Carolina.
Tony Hawkins, St. Stephen’s, Durham
A. The ministers of the Church are lay persons, bishops, priests, and deacons.
– Book of Common Prayer, p. 855
As a cradle Episcopalian, I’ve appreciated that Church hierarchy recognizes the laity. As Jesus recognizes the need for relationships, the Church is recognizing the laity’s contribution to its maturation.
The Lay Preaching Training Initiative is an opportunity to examine and enhance your “call” to serve. The curriculum consists of readings, videos and journaling that parallels EfM and other spiritual growth programs. It will amplify your sacred relationship through your ministerial job description to buttress the Body of Christ. And should you find LPTI is not for you, you can always parachute back into the nave.
Dr. Cecil Haynes, St. Andrew’s, Greensboro
I pray that my cohorts and I can come together and boldly proclaim the Gospel to all that are willing to hear! Amen.
Anne Stokes, Nativity, Raleigh
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. – Mark 12:30, NRSV
I have heard this verse for most of my life, and it has taken on a new meaning since I began the Lay Preacher Training Initiative. That is because I have come to see this call as an opportunity to embody Scripture as I’ve never done before.
I do not only engage Scripture with my mind because I am body, mind, soul, spirit and experience. I am endeavoring to do more than read these beautiful words. I want to hear in those words the message of God, to think and write my interpretations through my unique experiences, and to stand and speak about it. This requires my soul, mind, body and strength. And I can tell you that is sometimes a daunting call, a call that I have heard and answered.
And I am committed to do this as a voice, not of the clergy, but of the laity. I will speak my words not to the congregation, but I will speak among the congregation. I will strive to bring my unique lay person’s approach to Scripture, and I will be blessed to share it with my brothers and sisters.
That is not to say I will neglect the study and exegesis of the Scriptures that I endeavor to preach. It is all grounded in scholarship and interpretation. I can tell you that I have never felt more engaged in Scripture, and I have never studied as much or thought so deeply. And I have never prayed so sincerely for strength, courage and guidance. And now I will have the privilege of standing and speaking about my insights.
I will always strive to love the Lord my God with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my mind, and with all my strength. And, praise God, I now am blessed to have this opportunity to stand and proclaim His Word in my own words, through my soul and from my heart.