Nativity, Raleigh, Among Recipients of Stewardship of Creation Grant

By Diocesan House

The Episcopal Church recently announced the awarding of 16 grants totaling $123,910 in the second round of grantmaking managed by the Advisory Council for the Stewardship of Creation and approved by the Executive Council.

Among the recipients is Nativity, Raleigh, awarded $10,000 toward its work, Becoming the Good Soil, of reducing the serious effects of climate change by engaging in regenerative agriculture through carbon farming, specifically by supplementing land with compost. In simple terms, one goal of carbon farming is to increase soil organic matter (SOM) to help draw carbon out of the atmosphere and sequester it in the ground.

In addition to the implementation of carbon farming to local soil, Nativity will work to help educate individuals and congregations learn more about regenerative agriculture through, among other channels, the development of a white paper to be made available to all churches.

The Diocese will follow the development of this work, but you can learn more about carbon farming now and stay connected with Nativity’s environmental efforts on its Creation Care blog at