Meet St. Luke’s, Salisbury

The identity statement of St. Luke’s Salisbury reads,Come and see the difference Christ makes in abundant grace, intentional worship, beloved community. Adopted by the church in 2018, these words, often referenced and repeated in our printed and spoken messaging, became even more important as the challenges of the pandemic persisted throughout 2020.

[Image: Pre-COVID bishop’s visitation.]

Our clergy and staff exercised abundant grace with each other, with our parishioners and with the community as we found new ways to connect, to adapt, and to listen to each others’ needs and struggles. We found the beauty in made-from-home video submissions, last minute changes and even technology mishaps.

We increased our focus even more on intentional worship, often asking of ourselves what the truly essential needs for worship were and finding a sense of purpose in meeting those needs. With many new individuals joining us for worship online this past year, we hope that we’ve broadened our reach in some ways, inviting others to participate in the journey towards beloved community.

Through grants made by the St. Lukeā€™s Foundation and continuing in the work we have been given to do in racial healing, we aspire to share the reconciling love of God that we have known in Jesus Christ. Central to all that we strive to be and do is to come and see the difference that Christ makes in our lives, in our parish and in our community. To learn more about our parish, visit