History Day 2023 and Celebration of Blessed Henry Beard Delany

April 15, 2023 | 10a.m. – 3p.m.
St. Luke’s, Salisbury


Co-sponsored by the diocesan office of Black ministries and our history & archives committee, this year’s History Day honoring the Rt. Rev. Henry Beard Delany will take place at St. Luke’s, Salisbury, the site of the 1918 Annual Convention where he was elected. Diocesan historiographer the Rev. Dr. Brooks Graebner will highlight the significance of Delany’s election in the context of The Episcopal Church’s 40-year debate over how best to provide bishops for Black congregations in the South during the late19th and early 20th centuries. Attendees will celebrate Bishop Delany’s feast day with a festive Eucharist, with the canon missioner for Black ministries, the Rev. Kathy Walker, preaching.

Following lunch, the Rev. Robert Black, rector of St. Luke’s, will describe his parish’s considerable recent efforts to address their local racial history, and we will have the opportunity to tour St. Luke’s, the nearby city cemetery for enslaved people, and the lynching memorial recently erected by the Equal Justice Initiative. Attendees also will be encouraged to see other sites of historic interest, including the former site of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, the historically Black congregation in Salisbury, and St. Andrew’s, Woodleaf, one of our diocesan historic properties.

Registration is required. Those wishing to partake in lunch will be asked to pay a $15 registration fee helps to defray the cost.