Diocese Welcomes Patricia Hamilton as New Executive Assistant to the Bishop Suffragan

By Diocesan House

The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina welcomes Patricial Hamilton as the new executive assistant to the bishop suffragan.

A cradle Episcopalian, Hamilton served for many years in the Dioceses of Massachusetts, Northern Indiana and, most recently, North Carolina. For the past two years, she worked as the administrative assistant for spiritual growth and adult formation at Christ Church, Charlotte. There she was involved in creating and supporting transformative programming including Christian Essentials, Sacred Ground, The Good Book Beginning to End, and The Space Between us, to name a few.

“I could not be more thrilled to welcome Patricia as my executive assistant and as a new colleague within our diocesan staff, the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple said. Given her love of God, her fantastic organizational skills and her decades-long service in Episcopal church ministries around the country, she will be a blessing to the entire diocese.”

As a graduate of Duke University, Hamilton is an avid Blue Devils fan and looks forward to March Madness and cheering on the team. Her other interests include music, reading, travel and spending time with her family. One of her favorite things is going to church, especially visiting different churches and experiencing the Eucharist in unique and inviting ways.

Hamilton succeeds Shelley Kappauf, who served for five of her 14 years with the Diocese as the executive assistant to the bishop suffragan before retiring at the end of 2019.

Hamilton begins her tenure with the Diocese on February 1.