Join the Advent Pilgrimage to to St. Augustine’s University and St. Ambrose Episcopal Church
Saturday, December 2
10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Registration closes November 27 or when the pilgrimage is full
If you are looking for a special way to start the Advent season, you are invited to join the diocesan pilgrimage to St. Augustine’s University and St. Ambrose, Raleigh, on Saturday, December 2.
There is nothing quite so sacred or moving as walking on the path and in the footsteps of those whom history has not treated with dignity and grace. As an important part of our mission strategies, we have a huge opportunity to educate ourselves about what has happened in this diocese and in North Carolina concerning race and the lack of social justice.
Our forthcoming pilgrimage to Raleigh, visiting St. Augustine’s University and St. Ambrose presents an opportunity not only to talk about the rich and heroic history associated with both places, but also the story of their Becoming Beloved Community.
Saint Augustine’s University is a private historically black Christian college in Raleigh. It was founded by Episcopal clergy in 1867 for the education of freed slaves. During our visit, we will focus on the chapel, built in 1895 with granite stone quarried on the campus, under the direction of Bishop Henry B. Delaney, the first black man to be consecrated a bishop in North Carolina. St. Agnes Hospital, the remains of which are still on the property, was founded in 1895, and in 1909, again under the direction of Bishop Delaney, it expanded to 75 beds. It was the only hospital within a three-state radius for the treatment of Black people. There is also a project underway to reclaim the Black cemetery on the property.
Following lunch at St. Ambrose, our pilgrimage will continue as we hear the history of St. Ambrose, which began as the worshiping community of St. Augustine’s at South Wilmington and Cabarrus Streets (1900-1965). In 1965, it moved to Rochester Heights, one of a small number of developments completed for African Americans during segregation. Pilgrims will hear and see the challenges faced by St. Ambrose and the church’s response to injustices of their environment. It’s a beautiful story of faith and creation care. The day will end with a Holy Eucharist at their outside altar (weather permitting).
Registration is required – $15 is payable at registration. Youth and children under 16 may attend without charge. There is space for 75 participants. Lunch will be provided. Participants are responsible for their own transportation to St. Augustine’s and St. Ambrose.
Pilgrimage Schedule
Saturday, December 2, 2023
9:30 a.m. Registration, St. Augustine’s University Chapel
10 a.m. Pilgrimage begins with visits to the chapel and cemetery
11:30 a.m. Depart for St. Ambrose
12:00 – 3:00 p.m. Lunch, program and Closing Eucharist
For questions or more information, contact Jenny Beaumont, missioner for adult and lifelong formation.