205th Annual Convention
The 205th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina was rescheduled for March 6, 2021, as a safety precaution during the COVID-19 pandemic. We gathered beginning at 11 am in the parking lot of the Friday Center at Chapel Hill. Attendees remained in their vehicles, we broadcast via FM radio, and voting took place by honking of horns.
Notice of Relocated 205th Annual Convention
Special Rules of Order and Agenda for the 205th Annual Convention
Orientation to to the 205th Annual Convention and Special Rule of Order (Webinar | PowerPoint)
Explanation of Resolutions (Webinar)
LISTEN: Liturgy of the Word (English) | Bulletin
LISTEN: Liturgy of the Word (Spanish) | Bulletin
BULLETIN (bilingual): Liturgy of the Table (audio will be shared at Convention)
Download the Convention app (aka the “Yapp App”)
Resolutions | All resolutions (single document)
Resolution 205.1 – On Amending the Constitution to Clarify the Qualifications for Standing Committee
Resolution 205.2 – On Amending the Constitution for Continuation in Office by the Treasurer
Resolution 205.3 – On Continuation in Office
Resolution 205.4 – On the Conduct of Meetings and Voting by Remote Technology
Resolution 205.5 – On Conduct of Annual or Special Conventions by Remote Technology
Resolution 205.6 – On Voting in Vestry Elections at Mission Annual Meetings
Resolution 205.7 – On Voting in Vestry Elections at Parish Annual Meetings
Resolution 205.8 – On Adopting Supplemental Rules of Order for Use of Teleconferencing at a Convention
Proposed Resolution of Condolence
Resolution 205.9 – On Extending Deep Sympathy and Condolences to the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple
2021 Diocesan Budget (Proposed) | Video presentation
Certification of Change in Lay Delegation
Churches that have not submitted Certificates of Election
Clergy Rosters
Voting Clergy (Clergy with seat, voice and vote)
Nonvoting Clergy (Clergy with seat and voice)
Journal of the 204th Annual Convention
Notice of Rescheduled Convention
205th Registration and Notices
Special Rules of Order and Agenda for the 205th Annual Convention
- March 5, 2021 (Convention is Tomorrow | To-Do List | The Plan)
- March 4, 2021 (To-Do List | The Plan for Saturday)
- February 26, 2021 (Planning Your Trip | Recordings of Pre-Convention Webinars)
- February 19, 2021 (Please RSVP Today | Reminder of Pre-Convention Webinars)
- February 12, 2021 (RSVP | Pre-Convention Webinars)
- February 5, 2021 (RSVP | Resolutions | Start your planning)
- January 26, 2021 (Notice of Change | Convention App | Pre-Convention Convocation Meetings)
Thank you for joining us! On November 21, 2020, the Diocese hosted an online gathering to celebrate all that has happened in our churches and ministries throughout the year and look ahead at the year to come. It was a wonderful day, both in the “Zoom room” and with all the folks watching and interacting online. It was truly a celebration, with a feeling throughout the day of connection, fellowship, excitement and a presence of the Holy Spirit. Thank you to everyone who helped make it happen!
If you weren’t able to join us, please enjoy the video recordings from throughout the day:
View the entire collection: Vimeo | YouTube
- Opening Worship
- Bishops’ Address
- Budget & Mission Strategy
- Companion Relationships
- Commissioning of the 2020-2021 Johnson Service Corps
- Noonday Prayer
- Q&A with the Bishops
- Breakout Room Recaps
- ERD: One Thousand Days of Love | Visit the campaign page
- Closing Prayer
As shared at the celebration, plans are underway for the next steps toward the 205th Annual Convention. Keep your eyes here and on other diocesan communication channels for lots more information to come!