The Rev. Susan Rebecca ‘Becky’ Michelfelder Called as Vicar of St. Cyprian’s, Oxford

The Rev. Becky Michelfelder has been called as the new vicar of St. Cyprian’s, Oxford. Michelfelder most recently served as the interim rector of Good Shepherd, Rocky Mount. She has served churches across the country in an interim capacity for more than 16 years. Prior to these years she was employed at a variety of other churches, church-related social service agencies, and church camp and retreat centers, predominantly in Central Ohio and Chicago. Michelfelder earned her M.Div. from Church Divinity School of the Pacific, as well as a M.A. from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and a B.A. from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio.

Look with favor upon those whom you have called, O God, and grant that they may be so filled with your Holy Spirit, that they may minister in their chosen task with joy and steadfast devotion; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.


The Office of Transition Ministry assists clergy and parishes in transition. Canon Catherine Massey oversees transition ministry in the Diocese of North Carolina.