Celebrations of New Ministry

Contact the bishops’ assistant at Diocesan House, Elizabeth Dawkins, 919-600-5301 to schedule a date for the celebration of new ministry. Please allow one month to six weeks to complete the plans for the celebration of new ministry. If needed, a regional canon will be available to provide assistance in planning the service.

Plan to invite the clergy of the Diocese. The date and time of the service will also be included in the diocesan website calendar, digital announcements and Please Note.


The celebration of new ministry is an opportunity for a faith community to come together as a whole to celebrate the covenant a parish makes with their rector to worship and carry out their various ministries in mutual support of one another. It is also the joyful occasion of installing their new rector, vicar or chaplain.

Tuesday or Wednesday evenings after 6:30 p.m. are generally when most celebration of new ministry are scheduled. Please take into consideration the schedules of your family and of the wardens and vestry.

Please select the liturgy from either Enriching Our Worship 4 or the Book of Common Prayer. The bishop must see your order of service well in advance of the bulletin going to print. A full two weeks before printing is recommended, as this will help to avoid complications in case an issue arises.

The letter of institution will be provided by the Diocese and will be read by either the convocational dean or a regional canon.

There are some addition considerations in preparing for the service:

1. The bishop will preside and celebrate at the Eucharist.

2. The regional canons and diocesan canons may attend and process with the bishop.

3. The convocational dean or regional canon will read the letter of institution.

4. The new rector or cleric-in-charge has the choice of being the preacher or inviting another person to preach and submitting the name to the bishop. Please let the bishop know of your
choice as soon as possible.

5. Parish lay leaders are encouraged to read the lessons, lead the prayers, serve as LEMs and present gifts and tokens as described in the liturgy.

6. The offering taken at that service goes to the new cleric’s discretionary fund. This should be made clear in the announcements of the service and at the service.

7. The exchange of gifts is an ancient ritual. Unlike previous liturgies, the gifts are incorporated in the service, and they are specific. If you wish to have extra gifts presented, any celebration following the service should plan for those presentations.

8. Invite the clergy of the Diocese. The date and time will also be included in the diocesan website calendar, digital announcements and Please Note.

9. You will also be asked to provide a chaplain, traditionally a deacon, for the bishop. The Ven. Jan Lamb, archdeacon of the Diocese, may be able to provide guidance if needed.

10. For your convenience, we have provided a planning checklist for your use.