Benefits Eligibility and Resources

Benefits eligibility requirements in the Diocese of North Carolina, in accordance with Church Pension Group rules and regulations

Employee Regularly Scheduled to Work at least 1,000 hours/year (20 hours/week)

  1. Pension plan participation (If clergy, participation in the Clergy Defined Benefit Plan)
  2. Employer-provided Group Term Life Insurance
  3. Eligible voluntarily to enroll in medical and dental coverage through the Episcopal Church Medical Trust (The employer has no obligation to pay.)

Employee Regularly Scheduled to Work at least 1,500 hours/year (30 hours/week) or more

  1. Pension plan participation (If clergy, participation in the Clergy Defined Benefit Plan)
  2. Employer-provided Group Term Life Insurance
  3. Medical and dental coverage through the Episcopal Church Medical Trust

CLERGY Employee Regularly Scheduled to Work less than 1,000 hours/year (0-19 hours/week)

  1. Clergy Defined Benefit Pension Plan (if participation eligibility criteria below are met)
    1. Employee does not qualify to participate in the medical and dental plans, or employer-provided Group Term Life Insurance.
    2. The cleric must be enrolled in the Clergy Defined Benefit Pension Plan.

Employers must enroll Clergy Employees under the age of 72 in the Clergy Defined Benefit Pension Plan if they are both:

  • expected to be regularly employed for five or more consecutive months by the same employer and
  • are compensated by the employer

The employee will be treated as regularly employed if the employee meets one of the following requirements:

  • They have a letter of agreement (or other contract of employment) with their employer.
  • They are duly called to their position by their bishop, vestry, or rector.
  • Their position has a formal title (for example, rector or priest-in-charge) indicating an ongoing substantial relationship with their employer.
  • Their employer issues them a Form W-2 (or equivalent).
  • They are scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week.

LAY Employee Regularly Scheduled to Work less than 1,000 Hours/year (0-19hrs/week)

Employee does not qualify for pension plan participation, medical and dental plans, or employer-provided Group Term Life Insurance.


Understanding Health Plan Options



A New Clergy Employee is Hired

A New Lay Employee is Hired

A Clergy Employee Leaves or is Terminated

A Lay Employee Leaves or is Terminated

A Clergy or Lay Employee’s Compensation Changes

A Clergy or Lay Employee Gets Married

A Clergy or Lay Employee has a Baby or Adopts

A Clergy or Lay Employee has a Dependent Change

A Clergy or Lay Employee Divorces or Separate

A Clergy Employee Retires

A Lay Employee Retires