What You Need to Know About NC Voter ID Laws

Last updated: October 2, 2023

As of 2023, a valid photo ID is now required to vote in the state of North Carolina.

The NC State Board of Elections has excellent resources to explain all you need to know. All information shared on this page comes from the resources provided on the NC State Board of Elections website. These resources are also available in Spanish; in the upper-right corner of the website, simply click the language in which you wish to view the website.

From the NC State Board of Elections:

Voters will be asked to show photo ID when voting in North Carolina.

Most voters will simply show their driver’s license. But there are many other acceptable photo IDs.

If a voter does not have an acceptable photo ID, they can get one for free from their county board of elections. Learn more at Get a Free Voter Photo ID.

Voters can also get a free ID card from the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV). Find more information under “No-Fee ID Cards” at State IDs | NCDMV.

All voters will be allowed to vote with or without a photo ID. If a voter cannot show photo ID when voting in person, they can still vote by filling out an ID Exception Form. If absentee-by-mail voters are unable to include a copy of their photo ID with their ballot return envelope, they can also fill out an ID Exception Form with their ballot. Find more information under ID Exceptions.

For more information or details related to voter ID, please visit the NC State Board of Elections website.


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