HUGS Camp: July 6-12, 2025 | Haw River State Park

For all diocesan youth events, a ratio of 1:7 adults to youth is enforced, and we follow all Safe Church policies.

Helping Understand God through Sharing: HUGS is a unique camp for unique people, bringing together young people of diverse abilities. They overcome barriers of real and imagined differences and build bridges of understanding. HUGS is about acknowledging the good creation in each of us and more fully knowing and loving our God through it. The great differences among campers and staff help all of us learn to appreciate and celebrate our diversity as we recognize our common ground.

Each day of camp includes a variety of activities: breakfast, energizers (dancing/singing), morning worship, theme discussions, field games, lunch, rest time, snack time, swimming, arts and crafts, and dinner. Each night after dinner is a different activity: carnival, talent show or dance. We close our day singing around the campfire with joy and thankfulness to have this time together.


Buddy Camper Dates: July 5-12, 2025 | Haw River State Park

We need rising 9th-12th grade youth to serve as buddy campers for our campers with disabilities. Being a buddy camper means you (and perhaps other teens depending on a camper’s needs) will be responsible for the care and well-being of your camper for the week. This looks like attending all activities with your camper, eating meals with them, assisting them with hygiene and self-care, and making sure they have a fun and amazing week at camp. Buddies also have free time to have fun with the other buddy campers and spaces for processing their experience. The week is lots of fun, exhausting at times, and certainly life-changing. No previous experience is needed; we do all the necessary training before camp.

The cost to attend camp as a buddy helper is $475.00. Scholarships are available.


Buddy Camper Dates: July 4-12, 2025 | Haw River State Park

We also need college age or above folks to apply for staff positions. These are supervisory roles managing groups of campers and helper campers and also leading programs. Staff will earn a stipend for their week of work.


Camper applications will come out in early April (date to be determined). Former campers will receive an email with all the instructions prior to that date so that everyone can be ready to apply at the same time. Applications will be accepted based on several factors: date submitted, relationship to staff and helpers, number of helpers and staff registered, gender and number of helpers needed, and capacity at Haw River State Park.

This is a very complicated process that we take very seriously and with God’s help. While we wish we could accept every applicant, it is not possible. There will be more detail about this in the application information.

Contact Lisa Aycock or Leah Dail if you have questions.