Happening has been postponed.
Happening is a renewal weekend for high school youth, with talks, songs, worship and small groups. It is a special event that allows young people to encounter Christ in an intentional Christian community.
Dinner will be provided Friday evening. Participants stay overnight. Sheets, blankets, pillows and towels are not provided.
For all diocesan youth events, a ratio of 1:7 adults to youth is enforced, and we follow all Safe Church policies.
The cost is $150 for youth and $75 for adults. Those requesting financial assistance are expected to pay 2/3 of the total cost of the event; 1/3 must be paid during registration as a deposit, and the balance must be mailed in with this scholarship request form by the closing date of registration. Should a family need additional assistance, it is recommended that the participant seek additional scholarship assistance from their parish, either through their Rector’s Discretionary Fund or by sending a letter to your Vestry and/or other organizations within the parish.