Go Speak: Reconciliation Edition

Go Speak is a program introduced in this diocese in 2014. As Bishop Anne said then, “it is a process to help each of us give voice to the quiet, ordinary places we meet and feel God’s divine presence as well as create deeper levels of community within our congregations.” The people who have participated in Go Speak have found it to be valuable, not only because they told their own stories, but because they heard others’ stories of faith. This is evangelism at its best!
Knowing the power of this process, and recognizing our church’s priority to engage in acts of racial reconciliation, a second deck of cards—Go Speak: Reconciliation Edition—was created in response to requests from across the Diocese. Using these cards will help us to speak out of our own experiences as we respond to our Christian call “to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8)
If you have never participated in a Go Speak gathering, the resources gathered below will help you organize and participate in a successful faith-sharing gathering. If you want more and different prompts, a downloadable pdf of the original deck of question cards, issued in 2014, is also available.
- Download Go Speak: Reconciliation Edition (2017)
- Download Go Speak: Sharing our Faith (2014)
- Download Go Speak: Reconciliation Edition Guidelines
- Download Group Norms
- Download Miscellaneous Tips for Go Speak Gatherings
Watch the Go Speak Moderator Training Video
Watch the Go Speak introductory webinar
How is Go Speak a tool to equip us for our work in evangelism and reconciliation?
Go Speak: Reconciliation Edition cards, with their prompts about faith, Jesus, race and reconciliation, allow us to practice speaking out of our own faith experiences and listening to others’ stories. As we grow stronger as listeners and tellers of where in our lives we have encountered Jesus, especially with someone who looks to be “other,” we are equipping ourselves to become agents of reconciliation, ambassadors of the Good News of God in Jesus. In other words, Go Speak: Reconciliation Edition brings evangelism and reconciliation together.
How are Go Speak decks used?
In our diocese, Go Speak cards are used by small groups of 6-10 people gathered in homes and other informal, relaxed settings. Often, the group has a meal or refreshments. People take turns selecting a card that “speaks to them” and then tell their story. The others in the group listen without questioning or feedback. Thus, the listening becomes as integral to the process as the storytelling itself. These gatherings have proven to be comfortable and provide a safe environment to give voice to stories of how God moves in our lives.
Go Speak cards have been used in various settings throughout the year: at vestry meetings or retreats, small groups that meet regularly, youth and young adult gatherings.