Bishops of the Diocese of North Carolina Encourage Actionable Advocacy

Dear friends and siblings in Christ,

We have been heartened by the prayers and many other forms of support being offered up across the diocese for the people of Israel and Palestine. Death, destruction and terror, complicated by disinformation and a sense of helplessness, are difficult to watch, and the desire to turn away is understandable. And yet, as your witness and response reflect, we must not be overwhelmed into indifference, and helplessness cannot become hopelessness.

We want to share with you these suggestions for actionable advocacy from the Episcopal Public Policy Network (EPPN). Time and again, our elected officials have told us that when their constituents contact them, it does make a difference. The EPPN form sends comments directly to your senators and representatives based on your address. You can also use this link to contact your federal, state and local officials directly.

Jesus teaches and shows us that the reckless, extravagant love of God crosses and transcends all human-created divides of family, language, people and nation. He commands us to love our neighbors and our enemies alike. At baptism, we promise to act on that teaching. This unfathomable love, realized in our actions on behalf of others, is the light and the hope of this broken and suffering world.

Thank you for your unceasing prayers, actions and witness to our faith that abides in the hope and promises of the expansive and inclusive love of God.


Bishop Sam Rodman
Bishop Jennifer Brooke-Davidson