RoR – Season 3, Episode 1: Critical Race Theory

Roundtables on Race
Roundtables on Race
RoR - Season 3, Episode 1: Critical Race Theory



Season 3: Race and Education
Episode 1: Critical Race Theory

“Roundtables on Race” is back for its third season! This time around we will look at the intersection of race and education, and in this first episode, we explore the one topic that has been such a focal point of just about every conversation around race and education. That is, of course, critical race theory. It is a concept that has become a flashpoint, despite the fact the term is largely misunderstood, misused and not something that really applies as used in the conversation around race and education. Host the Rev. Kathy Walker is joined by returning guest and dear friend of the podcast, Dr. Irving Joyner, professor of law at North Carolina Central University (NCCU) School of Law and legal commentator for local, state and national media.