Bishops Pen Letter to U.S. Senators on Proposed Health Care Bill

By Diocesan House

The Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, bishop diocesan pro tempore of the Diocese of North Carolina, the Rev. Samuel Rodman, bishop-elect of the Diocese of North Carolina, and the Rt. Rev. Peter J. Lee, assisting bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, joined forces to pen letters to United States Senators Richard Burr and Thom Tillis.

The bishops wrote in response to the proposed Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA), urging the NC representatives to work toward creating a space for debate and to consider the ramifications of the bill for the vulnerable communities most likely to be affected. 

Here is the letter (a copy was sent to both Senator Thom Tillis and Senator Richard Burr):



Contact information for:

Senator Richard Burr

Senator Thomas Tillis


Resources used in creating letter:

“The American Health Care Act: Economic and Employment Consequences for States,” The Commonwealth Fund

North Carolina Community Health Center Association Concerned About Impact of the AHCA,”


Additional resources from The Episcopal Church:

Kaiser Family Foundation

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities re: Rural America

Urban Institute