Episode 5: The Audience

Season 1: Race and the News MediaEpisode 5: The Audience In this week’s episode of “Roundtables on Race,” the Rev. Kathy Walker hosts a conversation on the relationship between news …
“Roundtables on Race,” hosted by the Rev. Kathy Walker, is a podcast that invites conversation around the effects of race on many facets of society, going deeper than traditional conversations usually allow. The role and impact on race in American society is deeply layered and nuanced, with no simple explanations or solutions. For those who are already involved in the work of racial equity and reconciliation, this is a chance to go even deeper. For those who are surprised, frustrated or curious that we’re still talking about race and racism in this country, it’s a chance to see what’s long been kept invisible.
Each season of the podcast focuses on one topic, allowing every episode to be an opportunity to discuss an aspect of that topic and explore the layers and nuance. We actually get into the weeds with some of these topics to understand better the history and opportunities for redirection.
“Roundtables on Race” is an offering from the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina to everyone who believes that every person is truly created equal. It is a chance to learn why that is not yet so, to hear and learn from a variety of perspectives and experiences, and to discover it’s possible difficult and often painful conversations undertaken with respect and dignity can become the catalyst for change and transformation.