RoR – Season 3, Episode 4: The History of Black Education

Roundtables on Race
Roundtables on Race
RoR - Season 3, Episode 4: The History of Black Education



Season 3: Race and Education
Episode 4: The History of Black Education

With all of the conversation around the teaching of racial
history, little time is spent learning about the history of Black education. It
is a rich and inspiring one, with many lessons of its own to teach. In this episode, host the Rev. Kathy Walker is joined by Dr. Ricardo Phipps, provost and vice president of academic affairs at Saint Augustineā€™s University, and Chrystal Regan, executive director of Tryon Palace and former education section chief for the NC Museum of History. The conversation is rich with history, legacy and the indicators that may tell us history is repeating itself.