RoR – Season 3, Episode 3: Teaching Racial History

Roundtables on Race
Roundtables on Race
RoR - Season 3, Episode 3: Teaching Racial History

Season 3: Race and EducationEpisode 3: Teaching Racial History Among the many arguments around race and education is the teaching of racial history – what is taught and not taught, …

RoR – Season 3, Episode 2: Racism, Not Race

Roundtables on Race
Roundtables on Race
RoR - Season 3, Episode 2: Racism, Not Race

Season 3: Race and EducationEpisode 2: Racism, Not Race One of the ongoing arguments around race and education is about the teaching of race and racism. They’re often used as …

RoR – Season 3, Episode 1: Critical Race Theory

Roundtables on Race
Roundtables on Race
RoR - Season 3, Episode 1: Critical Race Theory

Season 3: Race and EducationEpisode 1: Critical Race Theory “Roundtables on Race” is back for its third season! This time around we will look at the intersection of race and …

Lent, Part 4: Disruption

To Differ is Divine
To Differ is Divine
Lent, Part 4: Disruption

IntroIn the fourth and final episode of our Lenten series, Rabbi Raachel and Bishop Sam discuss reconciliation, the final step in the cycle of sacrifice, repentance, and forgiveness. They consider …

Lent, Part 3: An Invitation to Grace

To Differ is Divine
To Differ is Divine
Lent, Part 3: An Invitation to Grace

In episode three of our Lenten series, Bishop Sam and Rabbi Raachel discuss the nature of forgiveness, both God’s infinite, all-encompassing forgiveness and the much more fraught nature of forgiveness …

Lent, Part 2: Repairing Relationships

To Differ is Divine
To Differ is Divine
Lent, Part 2: Repairing Relationships

This episode is part two of our four-part Lenten series, and today we discuss a familiar concept for anyone who engages in the liturgical season of Lent: repentance. Rabbi Raachel …

Lent, Part 1: Sacrifice or Offering?

To Differ is Divine
To Differ is Divine
Lent, Part 1: Sacrifice or Offering?

Today we begin our four-part Lenten series with an exploration of sacrifice, or, as Rabbi Raachel teaches us, offerings, as the Hebrew of the Torah is more correctly translated. She …

Episode 6: Speaking of the Psalms: Psalm 145

To Differ is Divine
To Differ is Divine
Episode 6: Speaking of the Psalms: Psalm 145

In this episode, Rabbi Raachel and Bishop Sam return to the psalms and discuss Rabbi Raachel’s choice: Psalm 145. Starting from the question of does God need to be praised, …

Episode 5: Speaking of the Psalms: Psalm 51

To Differ is Divine
To Differ is Divine
Episode 5: Speaking of the Psalms: Psalm 51

In this episode, Bishop Sam and Rabbi Raachel discuss one of the psalms that speaks most powerfully to Bishop Sam: Psalm 51. It is a plea for forgiveness attributed to …

Episode 4: Dialogues of Devotion

To Differ is Divine
To Differ is Divine
Episode 4: Dialogues of Devotion

In this episode, Rabbi Raachel and Bishop Sam share their formative experiences of interreligious dialogue, from elementary school through college to their current thinking about conversations among followers of different …
