Episode 2: The Making of a Journalist

Roundtables on Race
Roundtables on Race
Episode 2: The Making of a Journalist



Season 1: Race and the News Media
Episode 2: The Making of a Journalist

In this episode of “Roundtables on Race,” host the Rev. Kathy Walker explores training and what goes in to the making
of a journalist. She’s joined by two guests who have a
deep knowledge of and a hand in educating budding journalists: Dr. Tracy Everbach, professor at the University of North Texas’ Mayborn School of Journalism and author of Testing Tolerance: Addressing Controversy in The Journalism and Mass Communication Classroom; and Dean Susan King, dean of the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media and former reporter and news anchor whose career included serving as a White House correspondent for ABC News and reporting for CBS, NBC and CNN, as well as hosting the “Diane Rehm Show” and “Talk of the Nation” for National Public Radio.