Episode 1: A Look at History
Season 1: Race and the News Media
Episode 1: A Look at History
Welcome to Roundtables on Race, the podcast that seeks to explore the relationship between race and the many facets of our society. With your host, the Rev. Kathy Walker, we’re excited to begin our season of exploration of race and the news media. It’s not just the first episode of the season, but our very first episode of the podcast, and we’re glad you’re on this journey with us.
In this episode, we start our conversation on race and the news media with a look back at the historical context. By gaining a deeper understanding of how people of color have been portrayed in the past, we’ll be better able over the course of this season to see how historical actions have influenced – and continue to influence – the news media today. We’re delighted to be joined today by two guests with a wealth of knowledge on this topic: Dr. Trevy McDonald, associate professor and the Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Hussman School of Journalism and Media; and Professor Andrew Rojecki, professor of communication and political science at the University of Illinois at Chicago and co-author of the award-winning The Black Image in the White Mind.