Fast Facts


The Episcopal Church is a member of the Anglican Communion. It is comprised of approximately 111 diocese in 17 nations.

The Episcopal Church is overseen by a presiding bishop. The current presiding bishop is the Most Rev. Michael Curry, former bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina.


A diocese is a governing function within The Episcopal Church. It is a geographical region under the jurisdiction of a bishop.

There are three Episcopal dioceses in North Carolina:

The Diocese of North Carolina functions both as defined above (an “it”) and as a collective “we” of 120 worshiping communities working together to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and find ways to go out in the world to share God’s love, walk with and minister to our neighbors, and build joyous communities where all are welcome.

The Diocese of North Carolina spans the 38 central counties of North Carolina, roughly from Charlotte to the I-95 corridor.

The Diocese of North Carolina serves under the leadership of the Rt. Rev. Sam Rodman, bishop, and the Rt. Rev. Jennifer Brooke-Davidson, assistant bishop.

Approximately 49,000 Episcopalians across 120 worshiping communities comprise the Diocese of North Carolina.


Presiding Bishop: The Most Rev.

Bishop, bishop suffragan: The Rt. Rev.

Priests, deacons: The Rev.