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Green Grant Applications Due

February 1, 2027


The Green Grants Program of the North Carolina Episcopal Church Foundation is a special incentive designed to help congregations make improvements to their physical plant that will conserve natural resources, reduce energy consumption, and shrink their carbon footprint. The program is intended to encourage congregational efforts to be faithful stewards of the earth God has created. Green Grants are limited to one $5,000 grant per congregation every two years.

Any parish or mission congregation in the Diocese of North Carolina is eligible to apply for a Green Grant. The Foundation will give preference to congregations where its support can make a material difference to the success of the proposed ā€œgreenā€ project.

In order to ensure the widest possible congregational participation in the Green Grants program, incumbent Green Grant recipients must wait a full year before applying to the program again.

The Green Grant Program will consider applications for any improvement that can be demonstrated to:

  • Reduce the consumption of energy and other natural resources required for the operation of a congregationā€™s facilities. Examples include new insulation, more energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, new doors or windows, more efficient plumbing fixtures, and landscaping that reduces heating or cooling costs.
  • Correct a problem in a congregational facility that is contributing to environmental degradation. Examples could include landscaping to reduce run-off and repairing damaged septic systems.

Please note: Green Grants are not intended to supplement or replace a congregationā€™s deferred maintenance budget.

In reviewing Green Grants applications, the Foundation will expect to see evidence that each applicant congregation is taking steps to address deferred maintainance with its own resources.

Applications should be submitted to the Rev.Ā Brad Mullis, chair of the North Carolina Episcopal Church Foundation.

The Foundation will consider applications quarterly.

Grants received by:
February 1
May 1
August 1
November 1

Will be considered in:


February 1, 2027