Environmental Committee Green Grants Deadline
December 31, 2026
The North Carolina Diocesan Environmental Ministry Committee currently has green grants available to assistcongregations in our Diocese interested in starting an environmental ministry program. Preference is given to small and low incomecongregations. Grant proposals can include but are not limited to the following:
●Installing energy efficient lighting
●Beginning a congregation composting program
●Developing green liturgical or religious education programs
●Offering an environmental ministry education series
●Installing water saving technology in campus facilities
●Purchasing reusable dishware for congregation events to reduce waste
●Planning environmentally themed events at the congregation or Diocesan levels-For example, this could include environmental events for children or youth.
●Creating green worship spaces on campus
Grants will be issued in installments of either $250 or $500 depending on the monetary needs of the project. Toapply, please send a brief (one double-spaced page) description of your project and the amount of the grant you arerequesting to Environmental Ministry Committee Chair David McDuffie at [email protected]. Please titleyour emails “Green Grant Proposal.”