Resumen de #GC78 - 2 de julio de 2015
A roundup of coverage from Salt Lake City
Por el personal diocesano
Want to catch up on what’s happening at the 78th General Convention? Here are some links to stories, videos and more from the folks on the scene.
2 DE JULIO DE 2015
Conventional Wisdom
Reverenda Miriam Saxon
A budget for evangelism
Convention agrees to major structural changes
Servicio Episcopal de Noticias
Bishops overwhelmingly oppose divestment in Israel, Palestine
Servicio Episcopal de Noticias
Convention calls for closer relations with Cuban church
Servicio Episcopal de Noticias
Music and dance showcase Utah’s cultural and religious heritage
Servicio Episcopal de Noticias
Mennonites and Episcopalians Say No, for Now, to Israel Divestment
New York Times
Episcopal Church rejects Israel boycott resolution
The Times of Israel
Mind of the House of Bishops Statement: ‘Communion Across Difference’
Servicio Episcopal de Noticias
The following is a sample of the extensive coverage on this topic.
Episcopal church votes to wed gays, not all agree
KUTV Salt Lake City
Anglican head expresses concern about Episcopal vote on gay marriage
Religion News Service
Same Sex
PBS NewsHour
Local Episcopalian church: ‘Bigotry doesn’t have a place’
ND same sex
WDAY (ABC) – Fargo, ND, others in ND
The ‘Splainer: Episcopalians approve same-sex marriage liturgy
Servicio Episcopal de Noticias
Want to remember a real martyr? Learn about Daniels
Andulisia Star
Episcopal Church more expansive and inclusive, thanks to gay marriage votes (COMMENTARY)
Religion News service, Washington Post
God’s surprising ways: a parable
St. Louis Post-Dispatch