Please Note
Please Note is the weekly e-newsletter from the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. It includes a weekly feature, calendar items, announcements and the Clergy Checkbox, which all clergy are encouraged to check when Please Note arrives in inboxes every Wednesday.
- In an effort to keep Please Note to a user-friendly length, event submissions are limited to those events sponsored by the Diocese, an individual church within the Diocese or a diocesan institution OR those involving a bishop or clergyperson from within the Diocese.
- Events are published four weeks prior to the event date, and/or four weeks prior to active registration or RSVP deadlines, if this information is provided.
- All events should include a brief description, location, time, point of contact and cost (if applicable); please use the form below to submit information.
- Events must be submitted by 4p.m. on Monday to be included in the e-newsletter on Wednesday.