DYC: Diocesan Youth Council

The Diocesan Youth Council is a group of youth and adults from the seven different convocations in the Diocese of North Carolina appointed by the Bishop to govern all the youth programs in the diocese.

The Diocesan Youth Council is a selected group of adults and youth (grades 8-12) who volunteer their time and energy in service to diocesan youth programs. This committee, with the guidance and inspiration from the Holy Spirit, strives to provide opportunities for transformation and education of the youth in the diocese through various youth programs, including Convention, Youth Weekend Events, and Diocesan Summer Experiences. Members of the DYC must be active members of their congregation and must commit to at least one year of service on the DYC. After the first year of service, the DYC member may request extended membership for three more years.

The Chartered Committee on Youth is a selected group of adults and youth (grades 8-12) who volunteer their time and energy in service to diocesan youth programs. This committee, with the guidance and inspiration from the Holy Spirit, strives to provide opportunities for transformation and education of the youth in the diocese through various youth programs, including Convention, Youth Weekend Events, and Diocesan Summer Experiences. Members of the CCY must be active members of their congregation and must commit to at least one year of service on the CCY. After the first year of service, the CCY member may request extended membership for three more years.


  • DYC Members are required to attend the DYC Leadership Training Retreat in June. During this time, members will receive leadership training and work together on plans for Bishop’s Ball and either Genesis or Happening.
  • DYC Members are expected to be on team for Bishops’ Ball and either Genesis or Happening.
  • DYC Members are expected to read all monthly email Newsletters. Failure to do so may result in members not being able to serve on the DYC any longer.
  • DYC Members are expected to visit at least one parish in their convocation to discuss and promote diocesan events. The Diocesan Youth Missioners will coordinate these visits, sending two to three DYC members each time.