The Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple Issues Statement on Recent Political Action

By Diocesan House

The Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, bishop diocesan pro tempore for the Diocese of North Carolina, responds to recent government actions.

Dear good people of the Diocese of North Carolina,

We have been reading and hearing a good deal of news about formulating the best practices for safeguarding the dignity and security of all God’s children, especially in public places. Policymakers at the local, state and federal levels of government have varying and even clashing opinions about how and where and whom to respect and protect from what. Last spring, the Episcopal Bishops of the State of North Carolina wrote to explain our particular theological stance for the defense and protection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from discrimination, bullying and any other attack of their civil liberties. I encourage you to re-read this statement in light of current headlines, debates and breaking news. 

Here is an excerpt: 

“As a Church, we seek to love unconditionally as witnessed in the life of Jesus and follow his example by embracing those who are marginalized by society.

We affirm that all people are created in the image of God and are loved by God.

We oppose laws supporting discrimination against anyone by race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, political affiliation, genetic information or disability.”

The Church does not want to be in the position of constantly reacting to the latest breaking news. We are, however, in the practice of renewing our baptismal covenant, in word and action, day by day.  Many of the issues making daily headlines are matters we have been addressing for years – decades even. So we “press on…. because Christ Jesus has made [us] his own….. forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead….” Philippians 3: 12-13. 

What lies ahead?  The dream of God, the kingdom of heaven, here on earth as it is in heaven. 

Press on in faith, hope and, above all, love,
