The Bishops of the Diocese of North Carolina Respond to Recent Events

By Diocesan House


The bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina – the Rt. Rev. Sam Rodman, bishop, and the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, bishop suffragan – offered a statement in response to recent announcements:

It seems each week questionable decisions and statements are coming from our government leaders that cannot help but elicit anger, despair, exhaustion, disappointment and confusion.

This week was no different. This time it was filled with tweets and declarations that deeply wounded our transgender brothers and sisters serving in the military. We will have to wait and see what ultimately happens, but it is yet another opportunity for us to pause and remember what we as Episcopalians believe.

We believe in dignity for all. We believe in equality for all. It’s in our baptismal covenant, that we must “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.”

So let’s focus on what we can do every day.

We can pray for those hurt by leadership decisions and the vitriol that seems to inevitably follow. May they feel the love, support and strength of those who stand with them.

We can continue to keep our hearts open, even to those with whom we disagree, in the hope of finding common ground from which to move forward.

We can stop shouting and listen – really listen – to the conversation around us. We may not like or agree with what we hear, but it may offer a different perspective that enriches our own.

We can remember that we are disciples of Jesus, who taught us how to walk the difficult path while both embracing the marginalized and loving our neighbor.

Earlier today, our Presiding Bishop, the Most Rev. Michael Curry, released a statement opposing our president’s actions this week. In his message, he said to those affected by the proposed ban, “We are grateful for your service and for your sacrifices. We support you and all service members and veterans. You are our neighbors, brothers and sisters in God’s human family, and fellow citizens of this country we love.”

We agree and support Presiding Bishop Curry’s statement. It could very well be our own. As always, we stand with our transgender brothers and sisters and the entire LGBTQ community. We stand with the refugees and immigrants working so hard simply to be able to live lives safe from threats. We stand with those still oppressed by racism and those working to end it. We stand with and offer prayers for all who need strength, and we offer prayers for us all to remember God’s vision for our world.

Yours faithfully,

The Rt. Rev. Sam Rodman
Bishop, Diocese of North Carolina

The Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple
Bishop Suffragan, Diocese of North Carolina