The Bishops of the Diocese of North Carolina Give Thanks for the Life of the Rt. Rev. Barbara C. Harris

On March 13, 2020, the Rt. Rev. Barbara Clementine Harris entered into the company of the saints in light. She was surrounded by loved ones, and by prayers from across the church and around the world. Her death marks the end of the earthly life of a remarkable woman and a groundbreaking leader in the Church. She was the first woman bishop in the Anglican communion, a passionate voice for justice and peace, a champion of civil rights and womenā€™s rights, and a dear friend and mentor to many of us. Join us in giving thanks for Bishop Harrisā€™ life and witness, even as we grieve, knowing that she is now in the fullness of Godā€™s love and in the company of the one she served so faithfully, her precious Lord, Jesus.

Services will take place at the Washington National Cathedral and at St. Paulā€™s Cathedral in Boston. Timing for those services will be announced at a later date. Together, let us remember Barbara in our prayers, and celebrate her life and her legacy for the Church and for Godā€™s people. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

Almighty God, our Father in heaven, before whom live all who die in the Lord: Receive our sister, Barbara, into the courts of your heavenly dwelling place. Let her heart and soul now ring out in joy to you, O Lord, the living God, and the God of those who live. This we ask through Christ our Lord. Amen.