Meet Trinity, Statesville
Trinity, Statesville, is an active church focusing on formation, outreach and pastoral care.
At Trinity, recent outreach projects have supported Habitat for Humanity, Rise Against Hunger, the American Red Cross, Iredell Christian Ministries and a career clothes closet at Mitchell College. The youth have been active participants in outreach, raising funds and volunteering with Rise Against Hunger and meal service at 5th Street Ministries. The church launched a new initiative in August 2019, partnering with Got Sneakers to donate old shoes – both wearable and not. Wearable shoes are distributed through local nonprofits around the world, and unwearable shoes are recycled into reusable components.
Trinity also gets creative with formation. During Lent, the church watched the Mr. Rogers documentary, Won’t You Be My Neighbor?. Youth and adults alike participated in Lent Madness, a bracket-based tournament during which players learn about saints of the Church. Episcoparenting (featured in the Spring 2018 issue of the Disciple) is still going strong, with eight to 10 parents gathering every week for fellowship and support while their kids form friendships with fellow Episcopalians.
Recently, the church resurrected a past ministry: the handbell choir. While small, the group is dedicated and has already played their inaugural performance.
Trinity invites you to join them every Sunday for worship at 8 and 10:30 a.m. and Wednesdays at 12:15 p.m.