Meet St. Luke’s, Salisbury

By the Rev. Robert Black


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is a downtown parish in Salisbury, North Carolina. We were established by an act of British Parliament in 1753 and have worshiped in our beautiful church since 1828. We take it as our mission to respond to the grace of God through our Anglican heritage with focus on liturgy, discipleship and service. St. Luke’s also has a foundation which funds the ministry of mission and evangelism in Rowan Country and around the world.

Our identity is rooted in Jesus’ invitation to “Come and See” in John 1:39. We take this statement as both our evangelical witness to invite others to come and see the love and peace of God which passes all understanding and as God’s own invitation to us to grow deeper in discipleship. What we anticipate all will “come and see” is the difference Christ makes in their lives in our world. Our mission is focused on manifesting this difference in three ways. The first is intentional worship – our liturgies are intended to draw people into the sacred mysteries of God. The second is a focus on abundant grace – trusting that God will do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. The third is our desire to grow in Beloved Community, and we are actively pursuing this through partnerships and programs around racial reconciliation and creation care.

St. Luke’s is active in our local community and has a growing children’s and youth program, a strong music program and a hospitality room available 24/7 for first responders. We also have robust ministries related to Christian formation, parish life and senior fellowship. Our liturgies include Morning and Evening Prayer every weekday in our chapel, a Healing Eucharist on Wednesday evenings, monthly Choral Evensong and Sunday Eucharists at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. We also keep the Church’s calendar with a High Mass on all Principal Feasts.

Our rector, the Rev. Robert Black, began serving here in 2014 and our deacon, the Rev. Bonnie Duckworth, began in 2016. You can learn more about St. Luke’s by visiting or you can find us on Facebook (StLukesSalisbury) or Twitter (@stlukesalisbury). We are located one mile off of exit 76 on Interestate-85 in the heart of historic downtown Salisbury and invite all to come and see.