Meet St. Christopher’s, High Point
By the Rev. Jerry Lasley
St. Christopher’s, High Point, is a community of ordinary people allowing themselves to be used by an amazing God. Just like the stories we find in the Bible, we are a humble people just trying to figure out how we best can follow Jesus and single out the biddings of the Holy Spirit amongst so many other voices crowding our world.
The Bible is filled with many stories of God blessing people, the people making mistakes, God cleaning up the mess and God continuing to love us all. The story of salvation history continues in the lives of the people who walk through our doors each day. We try our best to listen to the voice of God and follow in the path that Jesus has set before us.
This is evidenced by so many of our outreach ministries. We regularly serve a meal program for homeless people. The number of people involved with this ministry continues to grow. Not only do we provide the food, but we also provide the gift of presence. Our parishioners take time to sit with the people, listen to their stories, give them a smile and try to help them know that we care about and love them.
We also are very involved with a local school. This is a year-round involvement. It starts in the fall when we gather school supplies and take them to the school. Not long afterward, we start collecting for food baskets to help out families at Christmas. This is followed by another round of food baskets at Easter. Then in the spring, we gather food once again and send home groceries to many families to try to help them get through the summer months while school is out.
We also have a very dedicated group of knitters! Our Needles and Looms group makes hats for local people all year long. They also recently made some pillows to take to one of our local hospitals.
At Christmas our angel tree provides some wonderful gifts for folks in our community. To see the bright smiles on their faces when they receive their gifts is such a humbling experience.
Our parishioners never hesitate when it comes to helping others. One of our biggest events yet was hosting our recent National Night Out celebration. This was our first year participating in the program. We had over 150 people in attendance that night. We served food and drinks, had games and a whole lot of time getting to know our law enforcement officers as well as our neighbors!
Now don’t think we don’t have some fun around here! Our stewardship committee implemented a summer music series program this year. What a fun time these free events with awesome music were!
As you can see, we are a very down-to-earth group of folks, just trying to follow Jesus and having a lot of fun along the way. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we do take living our faith seriously. It is evidenced in ways that many don’t even know about. Some of our saintly folks choose to be anonymous. But if you just happen visit some Sunday…well, you will automatically know that you are welcome!