Meet Holy Innocents’, Henderson
A church founded in tragedy and welcoming to all
By the Rev. Don Lowery
The town of Henderson was founded in 1841. Local Episcopalians made an immediate attempt to found a parish but their efforts faltered. In 1842, John Rust Eaton, son of Sarah and John Somerville Eaton, was killed in a hunting accident at age 13. His parents founded the parish in his memory.
The first church structure was a wood frame building and was built in part by enslaved persons from the Eaton Plantation. It is of interest that from the beginning both enslaved persons and free persons of color were included as communicant members of the parish. The congregation outgrew the original building by 1879 and a new structure was constructed on Chestnut Street. This church was completed in 1885 and continues as the house of worship for the congregation.
During the years of 1915 and 1916, the parish was built. It was one of the few large assembly halls in Henderson at the time and so began a continuing tradition of community sharing. From after-school dances to blood drives to theatrical productions and 12 step groups, the hall is made available to folks in Henderson when a space of its size is needed. In 1957, the parish annex, which now houses Holy Innocents’ Day School, was added. The campus was completed with the addition of the memorial garden and columbarium.
Holy Innocents’ continues as an active congregation of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of North Carolina. Holy Innocents’ remains an integral part of the Town of Henderson. From its beginning, the parish has maintained a strong tradition of outreach in the community and wider world. As believers in Jesus’ Great Commandment, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart…and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself…,” we strive to make a difference where there is human need, in our town and county, in our state and nation and around the world. Holy Innocents’ now consists of members who are White, African American and Latino with services offered in English and Spanish every Sunday. As People of God from many ethnic backgrounds, we gather to worship and to learn and so grow in our faith, and as faithful disciples to reach forth in the name of our Lord and in his service.