Meet Holy Comforter, Charlotte

By Trish Stukbauer

“There is no pause button in the life and work of Holy Comforter.” 

These wise words from our previous interim rector the Rev. John Shields are a wonderful reflection of our parish’s active spirit. Since our former rector the Rev. Kevin S. Brown answered the call to become Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware, our parish has done anything but pause.

Guided by strong lay leadership and our interim rector, the Rev. John Johanssen, we are continuing to do the work God has given us to do. Our Loaves & Fishes food pantry – the original pantry in the city of Charlotte – continues to thrive, providing a month’s worth of nutritious groceries to families in need thanks to volunteers from our church and the surrounding community.

Our active Hispanic Ministry programs are breaking new ground. La Escuelita Weekday School is now in its second year of offering a true dual-language, play-based educational experience for children ages 1-5. With classes taught one day in Spanish and one day in English by native speakers, students become equipped to thrive in a diverse community and learn to appreciate other cultures as they have fun and make new friends. Adults and older children can take advantage of free English as a Second Language classes every Wednesday evening through the programming year. Every Sunday at 12:30 p.m. we are offer a warm and welcoming La Misa en Espanol (Holy Eucharist in Spanish).

Building on the Episcopal Church’s vision, we held a five-week Christian formation series on Becoming the Beloved Community last year, and have continued to delve into issues of socioeconomic disparity on a broader scale through a continuing series of book discussions that are open to the surrounding community.

As we continue these thriving ministries and a well-recognized outreach program, we are building a strong foundation for the future.  Our capital campaign – Making Room for the Spirit – has already exceeded its initial goal and will allow us to undergo facility renovations, retire debt, purchase an adjoining property and conduct strategic planning.

As we move forward into the summer months, we are launching a new series of Christian formation programs for all ages and a summer music program to engage and inspire our congregation and the surrounding community. Our choir’s May 2019 pilgrimage to Italy will build on the musical adventures they experienced during their 2015 pilgrimage to Bristol, England. This time, they will be stopping and singing in various locations in Venice, Florence and Rome – including St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.

All are truly welcome here at Holy Comforter – come and see for yourself! We are thrilled to host a bilingual Holy Eucharist with Confirmation at 10:30 a.m. on May 6 when Bishop Anne Hodges-Copple comes to visit. You are warmly invited to join us for worship and to stay afterward for a taste of our wonderfully chaotic coffee hour.