Meet Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill
By Nick Jaeger
Since 1842, the Chapel of the Cross has ministered in the heart of Chapel Hill. Abutting the campus of the University of North Carolina, the work of the Chapel of the Cross is realized under the direction of the Rev. Elizabeth Marie Melchionna. Melchionna (pronounced mel-SHO-na) began ministry in August of 2016 after serving as canon for discipleship and parish life at St. John’s Cathedral in Denver, Colorado.
The parish serves diocesan university ministry efforts through Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM). Under the direction of associate rector the Rev. Noah Van Niel, this group meets each week for dinner, fellowship and spiritual growth. Fall and spring break provide opportunities for mission trips, and they perform regular service projects and take outings as a community during the academic year.
The church also provides a youth program for junior and senior high school students called Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) which meets on Sunday nights. Mike Peterson, youth and family minister, leads this group of young people who socialize, participate in community service projects, and explore social and personal issues in an atmosphere of Christian fellowship and support.
Director of Christian formation, Boykin Dunlap Bell, creates educational opportunities for adults and youth alike. Sunday School is held every week with a variety of other programs and discussion groups on topics ranging from strengthening spiritual growth to cutting edge social and political issues.
Music plays a significant role in the spiritual life of the community. The parish’s strong choral tradition is led by the director of music and organist Dr. Joseph Causby. Each week during the school year approximately 100 singers of all ages and levels of ability come together for the express purpose of creating something beautiful for God.
Our Baptismal Covenant, Catechism and General Thanksgiving in The Book of Common Prayer specifically direct us to love others; to strive for justice, freedom and peace in the world; to respect the dignity of all persons; and to help provide the necessities of life for those less fortunate than ourselves. The Chapel of the Cross responds to these mandates through parish education, volunteer outreach opportunities and faith in action contributions on both domestic and global fronts.
Nearly 2000 communicants make the Chapel of the Cross their church home. For more than 175 years the parish has been at the forefront of growth and discipleship of the Anglican tradition in North Carolina. The Chapel of the Cross is an open, vibrant, active parish, that believes in the equality of humanity and graciously welcomes everyone.