Meet All Saints’, Concord

By the Rev. Nancy Cox

All Saints’, Concord,  is a faith community where Jesus’ love, forgiveness and healing are changing lives.

All are welcome. Whether you are visiting from afar or have lived in the area for a long time, you are welcome here. Whether you have wandered in wondering about God or grew up in the church, you are welcome here. Whether you have more questions than answers or more answers than questions, you are welcome here. Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here. Your hopes, dreams, aspirations, sorrows, concerns and frustrations are welcome, too!

As a community, we believe that God is Love. We hold up a vision of being a community that loves as God loves, growing in our likeness of Jesus, who modeled God’s love for us. Our mission is to help others to grow in that likeness as well. The work we do is shaped by our core values, which are both broad and specific—a good description of The Episcopal Church! We go out into the wider community—and the even wider world—to serve those in need of shelter, food, housing, medical care, education and hope.  

Recently we celebrated the seventh annual Tour de Saints charity cycling event, during which nearly 300 cyclists raised more than $11,000 and brought in more than a ton of food to support Cooperative Christian Ministry, serving Cabarrus and southern Rowan Counties. The Rev. Dr. Mark Jefferson, renowned professor of homiletics at Virginia Theological Seminary, recently visited as preacher, fulfilling part of his commitment to preach 200 sermons before October 15, 2023. In taking an active role in racial equity, each month All Saints’ and Grace Lutheran Church (an historically black congregation) celebrate a fellowship dinner on the first Thursday. In addition, All Saints’ has been awarded grants to host racial equity workshops. Racial Equity Cabarrus is focused on providing racial awareness training to the churches and the leaders in Cabarrus County to gain an understanding of the structural racism that exists in our nation and in our community. Committed to serving economically challenged children, All Saints’ is in partnership with a Title I preschool at Forest Park Elementary. All Saints’ is also in partnership with Families First of Cabarrus County, a bilingual preschool, in three separate locations, including the Lockhart Center located at the All Saints’ campus. All Saints’ creation care, in partnership with the City of Concord, has received funding to be the first city in North Carolina to participate in the Arbor Day’s Foundation’s Energy Saving Tree Program. The goal of the program is to increase the size of the urban tree canopy by enabling homeowners to plant the right tree in the right place.

You are invited to this joyful journey of living in God’s kingdom, God’s dream for this world. 

Nancy Cox