Disciple: The Ordination and Consecration of a Bishop

By Diocesan House


It was a joyful Saturday in Durham, North Carolina, on July 15, when the Rt. Rev. Samuel Rodman was ordained and consecrated as the XII Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina.

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Rodman was elected on March 4, 2017, marking the culmination of a search that began after former bishop the Most Rev. Michael Curry was elected Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church at the 78th General Convention in 2015.

Approximately 1,000 people attended and participated in the 2 ½-hour service at Duke University Chapel, where Presiding Bishop Curry returned to North Carolina to celebrate his successor and serve as the chief consecrator. Several bishops served as co-consecrators, including the Rt. Rev. Alan Gates, bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts; the Rt. Rev. Rob Skirving, bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina; the Rt. Rev. Jose McLaughlin, bishop of the Diocese of Western North Carolina; the Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris, bishop suffragan of the Diocese of Massachusetts, retired; and the Rt. Rev. Anne Hodges-Copple, bishop suffragan of the Diocese of North Carolina, who also served as bishop diocesan pro tempore during the time of diocesan transition, leading the diocese with grace and strength.

Soon-to-be Bishop Sam Rodman enters Duke Chapel with Transition Committee member Lyn Holt. Photo copyright Brian Mullins

The Drummers of St. Cyprian’s, Oxford, signaled the start of the service at 10:30 a.m., their synchronized rhythm immediately creating an atmosphere of high energy and celebration. The steady beat of their drums provided the backdrop for the early part of the procession, which included liturgical dancer Diana Turner-Forte, the 80-person choir comprised of singers from churches across the Diocese, service participants, ecumenical and interfaith clergy, and diocesan clergy. As they were seated, the choir’s voices joined the tympani drums and brass instruments in heralding the rest of the procession, including the visiting and co-consecrating bishops.
Readings were presented in both English and Spanish, though both Spanish and American Sign Language interpreters provided translation throughout the service.

The Rt. Rev. Gayle Harris, bishop suffragan of the Diocese of Massachusetts, delivered the sermon, where she engaged everyone listening, by turns drawing laughter, applause, cheers and murmurs of agreement. She spoke of how in a world of immense challenges, North Carolina is blessed, noting the state has mountains, beaches, forests, NASCAR and the best barbecue in the world. And perhaps the biggest blessing of all is North Carolina’s proven wisdom in the selection of bishops, from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, who “reminds us we’re disciples,” to Bishop Hodges-Copple and her “passion for mission and evangelism,” to the Rt. Rev. Gary Gloster, bishop suffragan of the Diocese of North Carolina, retired, a “wise and faithful witness.”

“And now,” said Harris, “you have elected Sam Rodman to lead you and be a companion with you on this continuing journey.” She continued, “He is and will be a servant child of God with you, and who I know lives in and with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He seeks not only to abide in God with hope and faith and love for himself, but to offer that readily to others.”

The laying on of hands. Photo copyright Brian Mullins

After being presented gifts of his stole, chasuble, liturgical vestments from the Diocese of Botswana, cope, pectoral cross, ring, mitre, crozier and the Holy Bible, Rodman followed the Peace with thanks, saying, “Someone asked me this week if I would be a different person after today, and I said, no, I’ll be the same person, just with a bigger hat. But I feel like I have a bigger heart today….and it is that grateful heart that I offer to you, the people of North Carolina.”

Following the service, a light reception was held in Penn Pavilion on the Duke University Campus, and Bishop Rodman spent his first Sunday in his new position visiting St. Mark’s and La Guadalupana, Wilson, where before leading a bilingual service, he blessed the site of the church’s new soccer fields.

From pre-festivities that began Friday and included a clergy luncheon with the Presiding Bishop and a dinner honoring Rodman, to the conclusion of Rodman’s first Sunday visitation as bishop, it was a weekend full of joy, spirit, gratitude, anticipation and excitement.

Prior to Rodman’s election, he served as the Special Projects Officer for the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts, a tenure that began after 16 years as the rector of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church in Milton, Massachusetts. Following the election, Rodman and his wife of 32 years, Deborah, relocated and now reside in Raleigh.


Bishop Rodman’s ordination included people who have been part of his journey of faith, guiding and preparing him for this new leadership role. The Rt. Rev. Barbara Harris, who served as one of his co-consecrators, was our first woman bishop and first African-American woman bishop. They served together on the staff in the Diocese of Massachusetts. Rodman’s mitre was a gift from the staff of the Diocese of Massachusetts. The chasuble and stole were presented by the Rev. Hall Kirkham, rector of St. Michael’s, Milton, and Mary Wendell, former senior warden of St. Michael’s, where Rodman served as rector for 16 years.

Rodman’s family, wife Debbie, and daughters, Kate and Lee, gave and presented the ring. The ring features the imprint of the Seal of the Diocese of North Carolina. Also, engraved on the inside of the band are the words “with grace.” The same words were embossed on the rainbow ring that was a gift of the Transition Committee during the Whistle Stop tour across the Diocese.

Bishop Sam Rodman (center) with his wife, Deborah (far left), and friends. Photo copyright Brian Mullins