Holy Hikes

When it comes to creation care, one of the best ways to become inspired to be better stewards of our home is to connect with nature. When coupled with our faith, the realization of the gifts all around us become deeply rooted and impossible to ignore.

Christ Church, Charlotte, has brought together nature and faith with their new offering, Holy Hikes. Weather permitting, a local hike is offered twice in the spring and twice in the fall for those who wish to gather to get some exercise while enjoying nature, fellowship and deepening their faith.

The location varies to ensure options that are accessible to every physical ability and fitness level. The hikes to date have begun with a centering exercise by Mollee Rietz, wellness director at Christ Church. The first offering concluded with a brief Eucharist, while another was guided by the Rev. Connor Gwin, who encouraged participants to engage their senses along the way, sharing at the conclusion what they saw, heard, smelled and generally experienced. All bring together a connection and awareness to the surroundings with an encouragement to let go of daily stresses and be present in the moment.

Holy Hikes are an offering that can be enjoyed by congregations and self-organized groups as well as individuals. If you want to try one, simply find a place that offers a chance to walk among nature, and then take a moment to center yourself before starting. Breathe deeply, think of a scripture passage that has meaning for you or simply say a prayer.

However you do it, what matters is that you are connecting to natureā€™s gifts and remembering once more what a gift it is, a gift we cannot take for granted.